Tuesday, 28 May 2019

Utkal Gujarat Federation helped 9 lakh native of Odisha for Education, Job and opportunities

Soon, Gujarat will have an association - Utkal Gujarat Federation - for 9 lakh natives of Odisha who have made Gujarat their home. Dr. S K Nanda, retired IAS officer, will be the chairperson of UGF to be headquartered in Ahmedabad. The decision was taken following a meeting at Jagannath temple in Adalaj by the member of district-level Odiya organization on April 28.

The Utkal Gujarat federation will serve the basic need of community members living across the state; the district associations who do not have adequate manpower could also approach the UGF with larger issues faced by the community members.

Dr S K Nanda told Mirror, "There are scores of poor people from Odisha who have migrated to Gujarat for labour. We will see whether they are in possession of health card, are aware of health insurance schemes and have access to hygienic living conditions. We would also like to see the availability of trains for them".   

Monday, 27 May 2019

GUJ CM attended mass marriage organized By Senva-Ravat Vikas Sangh


મુખ્યમંત્રી શ્રી વિજયભાઇ રૂપાણીએ જણાવ્યું છે કે સમૂહલગ્નોત્સવ એ આજના સમયની આવશ્યકતા છે, આવા લગ્નોત્સવોથી સમાજના આર્થિક સક્ષમ ન હોય તેવા પરિવારો પણ પોતાના દિકરા-દિકરીના લગ્ન આનંદ સાથે ધામધૂમથી કરી શકે છે.

શ્રી વિજયભાઇ રૂપાણી ગાંધીનગરમાં ગુજરાત સેનવા રાવત વિકાસ સંઘ આયોજિત ૧૮માં સમૂહલગ્નોત્સવમાં નવ વિવાહિત દંપતિઓને આશીર્વાદ આપતાં સંબોધી રહ્યા હતા.

લગ્ન એટલે પતિ-પત્નીનું મિલન જ નહિ પણ બે પરિવારનો મિલન છે, તેમ કહી મુખ્યમંત્રી શ્રી વિજયભાઇ રૂપાણીએ જણાવ્યું હતું કે, પતિ-પત્ની બન્નેએ એકબીજાના મા-બાપ અને સગાવ્હાલાઓનો આદર કરવો જોઇએ. સમૂહલગ્નોત્સવ થકી સમાજની એકતા અને એક બીજા પ્રત્યે લાગણીનો ભાવ સમાજમાં પ્રસરે છે. આર્થિક ભીડ અનુભવતાં પરિવાર પણ પોતાની દીકરીના લગ્ન સમાજની સમક્ષ ઉત્સાહભેર કરી શકે છે.

ગુજરાતીમાં વાંચો: ગાંધીનગરમાં ગુજરાત સેનવા-રાવત વિકાસ સંધ દ્વારા ૧૮મો સમૂહલગ્નોત્સવ

Monday, 6 May 2019

Gujarat at a Glance

Gujarat at a Glance

The western state of Gujarat, India, attracts for its ancient cultures, dance arts, diverse species, etc. Its northwest is connected with International border Pakistan. Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh respectively are the states located in the north and northeast of it. Maharashtra in the south, Arabian Sea in the south, Dadar and Nagar-Haveli in the south. Its capital is Gandhinagar and it is situated near Ahmedabad (the biggest business center in Gujarat).

In this state of vast seashore, many castes have settled permanently after coming from the land and the sea route before the history era begins. In the state of Gujarat, there are about twenty eight tribal castes. Due to such diversity of public society, this state has got the benefit of different types of folk cultures.

The economy is primarily a product of cotton, tobacco and peanuts. Here are other important crops - Isabgol, Rice, Wheat and Bajra. There are varieties of trees available in the forests of Gujarat- Sagwan, Khaar, Halidrio, Sadad and Bamas. Chemicals, petrochemicals, fertilizers etc. are being developed. Narmada (Sardar Sarovar Project) is mainly used for irrigation.

In festivals Makar - Sakranti and Navratri are celebrated with great joy. The largest annual fair in the state is held in Dwarka and Dakor, on the occasion of Janmashtami on the birth anniversary of Lord Krishna, with great enthusiasm.

Gujarat's 'CM Dashboard' Completed one Year

Gandhinagar: Gujarat chief minister Vijay Rupani on Saturday reiterated the commitment to create a strong database and to strengthen real - time monitoring of state government works through 'CM Dashboard'.

Speaking on the occasion of successful completion of one year of 'CM Dashboard', chief minister of Gujarat shri Vijay Rupani said, "The system was created to settle complaint of the common man, necessary for sustainable development.

There has been improvement in the quality of people's welfare services. The objective is to make the government officials accountable. It has helped reduce pendency level as in e-Dhara and City Surveys. The number of beneficiaries in Ayushman Bharat has increased from 26-lakh to 43-lakh and the number of soil health card reached 37-lakh."  

Wednesday, 1 May 2019

Labour Day and It's history

World Labour Day

भारत, एक दिव्यभूमि! प्राचीन एवं न्यूनतम संस्कृतियों का देश, कला जगत इत्यादि इस देश को कुछ अलग रंगरूप में ढ़ालते हैं। मानवी मूल्यों का यह देश जहाँ श्रम और श्रमिकों का एक अटूट रिश्ता है। श्रम एक समूह मानव द्वारा की गयी यज्ञ है जिससे कोई भी कार्य सफल होता है। श्रम ही एक सीढ़ी है जिससे प्रत्येक मनुष्य अपने और परिवार के प्रति दायित्वों का निर्वाह करता है।
लेबर डे को हिंदी में "कामगार दिन", तेलुगु में "कार्मिका दिनोत्सवम", मराठी में "कामगार दिवस", मलयालम में "थोज़हिलाली दिनम" और बंगाली में "श्रोमिक दीबोश" के रूप में जाना जाता है।
1 मई 1973 को हिन्दुस्तान के मज़दूर किसान पार्टी द्वारा फर्स्ट मई डे (मई दिवस) को मद्रास (चेन्नई) में मनाया गया था। लाल रंग के ध्वज का उपयोग भी पहली वार इस समय में किया गया था। पार्टी नेता मलयपुरम सिंगरावेलु चेट्टियार भारत में मई दिवस की शुरूआत करने वाले प्रथम नेता थे, जब उन्होंने 1 मई 1923 में मद्रास में इसे 2 जगहों पर आयोजित किया था।
मज़दूर किसान पार्टी नें मद्रास में मई दिवस समारोह की शुरुआत की। सिंगरावेलु चेट्टियार ने बैठक की अध्यक्षता की थी। एक प्रस्ताव पारित किया गया था जिसमें कहा गया था कि सरकार को मई दिवस को अवकाश घोषित करना चाहिए। पार्टी के अध्यक्ष ने पार्टी के अहिंसक सिद्धांतों को समझाया और वित्तीय सहायता के लिए अनुरोध किया। इस बात पर जोर दिया गया कि दुनिया के श्रमिकों को स्वतंत्रता हासिल करने के लिए एकजुट होना होगा।

​गुजरात स्थापना दिवस की आप सभी को बहुत बहुत बधाई!