Monday, 6 April 2015

Gujarat ISR to Come up with Earthquake Prediction System

Gujarat government always try to implement something drastic that helps citizen a lot. Government of Gujarat’s Institute of Seismological Research is soon come up with an earthquake early warning and prediction system. 

As per government after this system we avoid loss of lives and property during calamity. Previously in past Gujarat became witnessed of horrible earthquakes on 26th January, 2001.  Gujarat lost almost 10,000 people’s lives, and if talking about the property than we loss crores of property. This is motivate reason to implement such system that keeps us update future earthquake prediction. 

BK Rastogi, Director General of ISR told to PTI that Soon we all setting up early earthquake warning and prediction system. By developing certain system we can save many lives. He also said that government of Gujarat is take care of all the expenditure to develop this system. 

It seems that now Gujarat secure it’s place in develop state and it dramatically stands on first position. 

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